
Kumar, Deepak and Pandey, SM and Murtaza, Qasim and Singh, Pushpendra and Walia, RS, "Tribological analysis of increasing percentage of CrC content in composite coating by atmospheric plasma spray technique", Optimization Methods in Engineering: Select Proceedings of CPIE 2019,kumar2021tribological (2021)
Pandey, Shailesh and Saini, Madan Lal and Kumar, Sandeep, "A comparative study on CBIR using color features and different distance method", Advances in Computing and Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of ICACM 2019,pandey2020comparative (2020)
Tyagi, Ankit and Raj, Jitendra and Chourasia, Shubhangi and Meena, SL and Pandey, SM and Murtaza, Qasim and Walia, RS and Kumar, Ajay, "Effect of sliding velocity on the wear behavior of HVOF sprayed Al 2O 3 coating", Journal of Physics: Conference Series,tyagi2021effect (2021)
Tyagi, Ankit and Pandey, SM and Walia, RS and Murtaza, Qasim and Kumar, Ajay, "Effect of Temperature on the Sliding Wear Behavior of HVOF Sprayed Al 2 O 3 Composite Coating", Advances in Materials and Mechanical Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICFTMME 2020,tyagi2021effect (2021)


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